Monday, August 20, 2012

Firewood Seller in Australia Selling Green Wood

We often run material from the Firewood Association of Australia because it's a great example of what a national firewood association can do to ensure dry wood is being delivered. This story is about overall firewood supply - and reports that one dealer is mixing in green wood.

"Reports from around the country are that this is shaping up to be a much better average firewood season. The ACT is on track for a record year, which is not surprising given below temperatures they have been experiencing. Supplies of good quality red gum into Melbourne and Adelaide are still readily available at this stage, which is an improvement from last year! Supply into Sydney seems to be just keeping pace with demand, which is well up on the same time last year. Only a couple of negative are the wet weather in Queensland which has restricted access to the main western ironbark resources for the Brisbane marker and the shift to green log supply by the FPC in Western Australia that is still causing some concerns. We also hear that one red gum supplier (not a FAA member) has started mixing green wood into semi-loads to extend his supply. This is really regrettable as it undoes a lot of the good work put in by our members to build on the reputation of red gum as a top quality seasoned firewood."

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